Sponsor Profile: McElhanney Ltd.

Principal Sponsor

McElhanney Ltd.McElhanney is passionate about technology. Whether it's laser scanning to improve constructability for your design, using advanced transportation modelling systems, or offering virtual and augmented reality sessions so you can experience your design well before construction, their professionals provide expertise across the full spectrum of transportation engineering.

Established in 1910, McElhanney is a multidisciplinary firm providing planning, engineering, surveying, geospatial and geomatics, landscape architecture, and environmental services in 25+ offices across Western Canada, with satellite offices in Newfoundland and Florida. It services the transportation and transit, community and parks, and energy and resources sectors. McElhanney's specialty is transportation engineering and planning services, including highways, construction management, design-build, bridge engineering, municipal infrastructure, roadways, electrical, geotechnical, structural, water resources, land development, and materials testing – plus, many more.

858 Beatty Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6B 1C1
Dave Dulay
Director, Design-Build/P3
(604) 424-4828
www.mcelhanney.com ddulay@mcelhanney.com


TAC Corporate Demo, December 5, 2023




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